Monthly Archives: March 2014


The warning must be reduced the term and be signed by the parts. The obligation to repair the damage is the second partner-educative measure, made use in article 116 of the ECA, with basically educative purpose and the objective of awaking and developing the sense of the responsibility of the adolescent in face what it […]

European Union

(SILVEIRA, 1999, P. 245) The workmanship of Saramago makes the relation of history, including passed and present. As Maria of the Alzira Pebbles that contemporary says on the space of the Portuguese romance the space of this romance it is a space where the native land notion continues to be problematizada above all in its […]

Refrigeration Equipment Repair

Faucet in the bathroom was broken after all, has evolved, leaking and broken at all, that is broken away. Considered carefully, and then half the parts from the usual aluminum, well, maybe, duralumin, a little harder. Well this is what savings, right? Aluminium is now much cheaper brass and copper, an integral part of a […]

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