
This scheme allows the use of wiring pipes with only one-piece (nerezbovymi) connections. Outside competition is cross-linked polyethylene pipe with press connections. This material when heated with water due to its molecular memory further compresses the nipple connection, making it totally leakproof. Pipelines with such compounds can be in the building zamonolichivat structures. In the photo essay, we have shown a layout using pipes firm REHAU. One-or two-pipe system with a circular horizontal wiring is different in that the pipe is laid along the walls.

At the same time they can be Post or above the floor, hiding under a decorative cover, which is very advantageous in the repair of houses, or under the floor screed. When installing the floor type of pipes and their connections are not as important as a screed, where possible to use pipes only with permanent joints. Type of binding instrument, ie, circuits and attaching the leads and outlet pipes are selected based on the conditions reduce the amount of assembly work, get more heat transfer device or requirements of the interior, but with the design of the instrument. The pipes can come to the instrument with one or from different angles. Liner to the devices can be made from the floor or the wall, back or side.

In modern systems, devices connected to return line through a special gate valves, which allow removal of the device, keeping water out of the system. This simplifies the finishing works, especially in winter. Devices is fixed at places, bring them to the pipe, they temporarily fiksirut to trigger system and heat the building. Then one by one remove devices without powering down the heating, pipes fixed once and for performing the finishing work. Then Devices put in place permanently. To create a reliable heating system requires a compromise solution that satisfies the requirements of heat engineers, architects, designers and installers. It would therefore be justified, if the installation of heating system, or even all utilities at home, you invite a company that would solve all the problems of design and installation of complex, so when you are trying to estimate how much it costs to build house, do not forget those moments.

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