Organic Perfume

Perfume of natural fragrances and free from chemical substances is under organic perfume man completely natural fragrances, free of harmful chemical substances and toxic plastics. With the growing threat of global warming, the use of artificially produced oils in diamond has come almost to a standstill. The most perfume manufacturers are today seeks to develop organic fragrances, which not even more aggravate global warming. Organic perfume is also not very environmentally friendly, but also proves to be kind to the skin. Skin rashes and harmful skin diseases can be avoided by the use of organic fragrances.

Plant extracts are the primary ingredient in organic perfumes, because they contain essential oils and other fragrances. One generally assumes that plants have more than one source to provide fragrance, as it is the case for example with coriander: both the leaves, the stems also the seeds deliver completely different odors. To make perfume, essential oils and the flavouring substances in the plant must be extracted first. The flavors are usually secondary metabolites produced by the plant as protection against herbivores and attracting pollinators. Orange leaves, buds, and fruit bowls are the appropriate sources of Petit grain, neroli and orange.

Petals and buds are the most important parts of plants for the extraction of fragrances, because most oil can be extracted from them. Most frequently used flowers are different varieties of roses, jasmine, osmanthus, Mimosa, and petals from lemon tree and ylang ylang. Although the clove is no flower, also the unopened buds of this plant in the perfume manufacture are used. Leaves and twigs are important ingredients of organic perfumes because they are for the green”touch of this fragrance that is responsible. Another rich source of essential for the manufacture of perfume are fruits. The most commonly used fruits contain their characteristic scent in the shell. Fruits used for oil extraction are among other things citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and Grapefruits. In recent years, the role played by flora and fauna for the manufacture of perfume, was always developed and enlarged. A new trend has emerged.

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