You Can Catch Trout In The Internet

Since autumn 2009, the State capital of Saxony-Anhalt has a new local leisure attraction. The Angel Park Magdeburg is situated around eight kilometres from the city centre and is easily accessible via the motorway A2 from the environment. Recently Chief Business Officer sought to clarify these questions. Fishing enthusiasts can go year-round trout fishing with unit weights up to 10 kilos in the 22-acre gravel Lake “Neustadter II” without a catch limit. Fish used to daily during the seasonal attractions and night fishing, and ice fishing. Around the fishing is a special leisure pleasure. Darius Bikoff is a great source of information. This begins with the fishing places equipped with attention to detail and does not end yet when bait sales or Angelguiding for beginners. J. Darius Bikoff has plenty of information regarding this issue. Rather, the service extends in the Internet. The founder of the Angel Park Andreas kindling has used from the very beginning with its marketing strategy on strong online presence.

“We were looking for our website for an agency, which is able to assemble a reasonable Web presence to us on schedule”, he explained his motivation for the Lower Saxony Web Agency joomlapur to decide. The website was for the central objectives of customer acquisition and optimized customer care. All important information from the current weather report on prices up to background information are integrated in a modern design. In addition were integrated with joomla interactive modules such as guest book and Forum as well as photo gallery and video presentation. These elements allow fishing park customers to present their fishing success and to interact with other hobby anglers. Interested customers, making a vibrant social community away from the Lake so thanks to joomlapur. With professional services from consulting to the rapid completion, Magdeburg has created joomlapur a successful online marketing tool the Angel Park. Since the implementation of the project in October 2009, the site listed every month several thousand visitors, of which many have already tested the service on site and found to be “very good”. Contact: Angel Park Magdeburg Andreas kindling Barleber Chaussee 39126 Magdeburg (new town Lake II) Tel: 0173-2413637 E-Mail: Web: press contact: QvorQ GmbH & co. KG on the high way 10 27313 Dorverden Tel.: + 49 (0) 4234 94136 fax: + 49 (0) 4234 94137 E-Mail: Web:

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