Tag Archives: art and science

Computer Moments

It is not enough to have an equipped laboratory and software to the disposal of the professor; it needs to have the facilitador that manages the process the pedagogical one. The process of introduction of computer science We go to observe the process of introduction of Computer science in the pertaining to school environment through […]

The Dispersion

Beyond these, the turbulence of ventricular cardiac frequency after extra-sstoles, a method of evaluation of influences autonmica on the heart also brings prognostic information adds valuable, particularly when associate the research of alternation of the amplitude of waves T. The publications on this subject still are initial but soon these techniques could be incorporated the […]

Oliveiras Iron

According to Lorenzi (2005), in the practical one, for approach, it can be said less that a patient is anmico when presents less of 11g of hemoglobina for 100mL of blood (11g/dL) for woman and child and, of 12/100mL (12g/dL) for the man. It must, however, be added to this criterion, that the funcionante and […]

Oil Diesel

The addition of etanol to the conventional oil diesel, mixed or not with biodiesel the base of acid greasy, of vegetal or animal origin, faces two great problems; – The possibility of, in the presence of small amount of water, to occur the separation of phases, organic with diesel and an alcoholic one, etanol and […]

So Paulo

CONCRETE BLOCK CERAMIC BLOCK (+) lesser covering use (-) bigger covering use (-) bigger cost of the structure (weight) (-) lesser cost of the structure (weight) (=) income 13 units for m (=) income 13 units for m (+) adopted loss of 3% (-) adopted loss of 5% (=) mason/maid 0,70 hours for m (=) […]

San Francisco Workmanships

A viable alterntiva so that it is sped up the workmanships of the pantry and olimpiadas, would be the full construction and entrance in the competition in construction of the engineering battalion, constructor in efficiency in dcads of 20 the 80 in almost all gradnes brs that they cut the Country. A great invocation through […]

Coal Furnaces

The suspension burning have many applications, mainly because it permits burning of oil, pulverized coal, and natural gas. Coal The pulverized has always presented itself an advantageous alternative will be uses in the thermal electricity. The uses of pulverized coal requires adds special care with flame stability and fuel preparation, involving conveyors, silos, mills and […]

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