Tag Archives: it

Clever Connection

Current products help you get started in the IO link technology the IO-Link Starter Kit from MESCO allows the user a low-cost and easy implementation of device according to the current specifications of IO-Link (V 1.0). The various hardware and software components can be adapted easily to customer requirements due to the modular structure of […]


Investment allows more expansion plans for its SAP usability platform Bremerhaven Winshuttle. “On Winshuttle that SAP usability company, announced today that it $ 12 million so-called growth equity financing” by Summit partners, a leading venture capitalists receives. With this high investment, Winshuttle will continue its rapid expansion. Winshuttle was founded in 2003 and has since […]

Organic Data

These subjects are therefore regarded as observation units, cases or feature carrier. 3 the 500 units of observation of the organic farmer come from a defined set of all possible observation units (1,500 diabetics of the sales area of the farmer). Population, also called this quantity of all possible observation units. Statistical surveys such as […]

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