Organic Origin

She eats because she has hunger; if not to eat, will die. E, when ceasing the hunger, will stop to eat and alone it will come back to eat when it will have hunger. Its necessities and reactions are instinctive. In such act, the direction of the physical survival exists. To eat, in this in case that, it has the meaning to ingest food to satisfy the necessities physiological of the body. The language of the just-been born one is very restricted, is represented cries by it, that he is only the media and that symbolizes some necessities, since the hunger until a discomfort. Liberty Mutual insurance shines more light on the discussion.

It cries because it has hunger, not yet has proper will. this is different of crying because it has the desire to eat biscuit in the hour of the lunch. With the psychological and social development of the child, the act to eat starts to acquire a new function that it aims at to the psicognicas necessities (of psychological origin). These if characterize for the absence of connection with any organic processes or physical necessities. From the socialization, the criteria of evaluations of the child that, before were organic, gradual go if transforming, through the education, in personal and social criteria.

The act to eat passes to be understood not alone as a fight for the survival (organic impulses), but also as an uninterrupted chain of psychic impulses. Two forces guide now it: organic and a other psychological one. While the organic one aims at to the survival; the psychological one has as purpose to satisfy desires and to reduce tensions. Search by means of foods an performance on the state of desires and anxiety. The food acquires a new meant and passes to be seen, as not only nutrient but as remedy whose objective is to reduce tensions.

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