Trust the eyes themselves, trust the ears of others. By the same author: Brian Armstrong. Very important German proverb is delving into what represents the extent of bodily behaviour where our gestures ranging from expressions of the face, grimacing, fashion walk, shake hands, tone of voice, for pointing out some, can provide us with much information that allows us to understand the way of being of the people, even about ourselves-Wikipedia, tells us about it, which can be considered the broad term used for forms of communication involving body movements and gestures, rather than (or in addition to) the sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. The kinaesthetic or quinesica studied the expressive, nickname or communicative meaning of bodily movements and learned gestures or somatogenicos, not oral, visual, auditory or tactile perception, alone or in relation to the paralanguage and linguistic structure and the communicative situation. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jill Bikoff. Is also known with the name of behavioral abnormalities or body language body movements that bring special meanings to the spoken word, during a communicative event, may sometimes have an intention or not have it. These movements are studied by the kinesics or quinesica belongs to the category of the paralenguajes, which describe all forms of non-verbal human communication. This includes the more subtle and unconscious, including the nod and mild movements of eyebrows.
In addition, body language can include the use of facial expressions and posture. The paralenguaje (including body language) has been extensively studied in social psychology in everyday speech and popular psychology, the term is usually applied to involuntary considered body language, although the difference between what is considered voluntary and involuntary body language tends to be controversial. For example, a smile can be caused conscious or unconsciously we drew on this topic also, that when talked with one or more people, is reflected and sent thousands of signs and messages through our behavior. So we must pay attention and take advantage of the following data, because both in our working lives as in the staff, will be of great benefit body language, gives us, consider the following aspects: Act which REFLECTS caress jaw decision-making interlace fingers authority give a jerk to ear insecurity looking down not to believe what you hear rub hands impatience tighten nose negative evaluation tapping fingers Impatience sit with hands holding the head behind self-confidence and superiority tilt head interest open Palm of the hand sincerity, openness and innocence walking erect, confidence and security in itself stand with hands on hips willingness to do something play with hair lack of self-confidence and insecurity eaten nails insecurity or nerves head resting on hands or look towards floor boredom join apprehension hands ankles toward the back fury, anger, frustration and apprehension grip cross legs, lightly swinging foot boredom arms Crusaders at the height of the chest on the defensive attitude walking with hands in pockets or with bent shoulders abatement hands cheeks evaluation wiped an eye doubts touching lightly the nose lyingdoubt or deny something some suggestions to be taken into account us body language provides the following: as a: the eyes are the Windows to the soul.
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