The used components do not contain chemical additives, as conservantes, nor had been gotten through tests made with animals, preserving the ecosystem. But these products also have some favorable characteristics. It knows more details and the advantages of the ecologically correct maquiagem: Steps 1 – ‘ ‘ cosmetics verdes’ ‘ they are ecologically correct and has you formulate that they do not attack the half-environment; 2 – They do not dry up the skin; 3 – They do not cause allergy or irritation in the skin; 4? In differences of the conventional maquiagem, the green cosmetics do not open the pores, diminishing the acne risks; 5 – Some organic maquiagens of pharmacy shelves and markets are not 100%. This in case of the maquiagens made with manipulated formulas only happens. 6? It has total attention to the packing. The name is related to the amount of organic elements that compose the maquiagem.
The products ‘ ‘ naturais’ ‘ they will count between 5% and 70% of organic ingredients in the formula. If to possess of 70% 95%, starts to be a product ‘ ‘ elaborated with ingredients orgnicos’ ‘ only when the product possesss more than 95% of organic substrata receive the certification from ‘ ‘ orgnico’ ‘. Important not to be surprised, she is necessary to always look the selinhos of certification of the IBD in the packings. The natural products have a blue-esverdeado stamp. Already the stamp of the organic ones has a sun with a calendar, written Organic Certificate. In the case of the manipulated ones, the ideal is to choose a reliable pharmacy that also uses ingredients certifyd by the Institute. It is recommended that beyond the use of the maquiagem of quality, also that if has total responsibility when using it, therefore it will have been used in incorrect way can result in some damages as: allergy, dry eye, irritation, inflammation, embaada vision, vermelhido, conjunctive contamination of or the crnea one, sand itch, heat, sensation in the eyes, swell of eyelids and secretion.
Things exist that must be taken in consideration as to buy good products, to apply them in the adequate way and to remove completely, thus preventing males. In the case of immediate irritation, the maquiagem must be removed and to wash well the eyes abundantly, will have greaters problems, must be looked a oftalmologista. 5.BREVE STUDY ON VISAGISMO Visagismo is a term derived from the French word visage, that it means ‘ ‘ rosto’ ‘. This term was created in 1936 for the great hairdresser and French maquiador Fernand Aubry, that said that the visagismo is an art and that the visagista is the visagismo professional, a true sculptor of the human face. For Hallawell (2003) the visagismo applies it art of embelezar or changing the face, using cosmetic, dyes and cut of hair. Soon, it is applied to the work of the maquiador and hairdresser and to the artistic maquiagem of the face. The visagismo is a professional activity, however, all woman whom if profit the visagismo exerts, however in an amateur level.
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