Of this form, the reader to if pointing out in the act to read, have the notion of that the exercise of its conscience regarding the written text not objective the simple act to memorize, but understanding and criticizing from a reflection. He is this to place itself that he assures the liberating character of the reading. One deduces, then, that through the act to read we will be able to construct to our life and the society to the one pointing out in them and critically locating them in relation to the world and the knowledge. In this direction the reading of the world according to Pablo Freire, precedes, folloies and of the meaning to the reading of the written word. 5002653%2CVSRPtargetId%3A2687503%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Karen Edwards. By the same author: Jeffrey Hayzlett. Reading of text written only has felt to contribute so that the child if points out better in the world where she lives, if contributes for magnifying, deepening of ' ' reading of mundo' '. It stops that this occurs is indispensable, an awareness of that stops arriving at the world of the word is necessary to take in account the reading that if has of the world. The reading of the world precedes the reading of the word, from there that the posterior reading of this cannot do without the continuity of the reading of that one.
Language and reality if arrest dynamically. (FREIRE, 1984, P. 21) Taking as example the Brazilian society is observed that although the reading to have if expanded throughout the years to a good part of the population, this does not imply to say that the privileges have finished. As affirmation of Hisses (1993, p.15) In the Brazilian society, constituted of classrooms with antagonistic interests, the reading if presents as a question of privilege and not of right of all the population; therefore, the leading classroom, through different maneuvers politics, not only blocks the access to books as well as distorts and breaks up the content of the way workmanships that gnese of the facts of the Real is not discovered through the reading. .
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