However, the formation of the professor is not only the sufficient for the improvement of education, is necessary the development of public politics that they aim at to improve the educational system all, since: didactic servers, resources infrastructure, at last, everything that contributes to improve the interest and the performance of the pupil in the school. Moreover, it is necessary the envolvement of the family, school and community therefore this also intervenes with the process of pertaining to school learning. All these factors, the way as the family see the school and speak of it are one of the main factors in the process. According to Perrenoud, the value that the family of to the unit of education, the form as the parents had lived deeply the proper escolarizao and the expectations in relation to the children influence very in the success of the children. Of this form, a work in team is necessary where the school can develop projects that come to involve family, school and community. Therefore we know that for an education of good quality it does not only depend on the educator, only of the continued formation of the same ones, but of all the social system.
2. Relation professor-pupil in the process teach-learning Currently innumerable studies have focused aspects related to the behavior of some professors and the formation of the pupils established through a continuous, narrow and extensive linking in classroom. A time that professors have we them the power to take decisions and to influence the pupils directly and indirectly. many times we are seen as emitting of the information, organizador of activity and realimentador par excellence of the educational system. In this direction, the established interaction is characterized for the election of contents, organization, didactic systematization to facilitate the learning of our pupils. Soon, the relation that we trace between us and the learning it depends basically on the affectivity, confidence, empatia and respect between both part so that if it develops the reading, the writing, the reflection, the learning; for others, SIQUEIRA (2005, p.01), ' ' he affirms that the educators cannot allow that such feelings intervene with the ethical fulfilment of its duty of professor' '.
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