Mental Capacity

The duel by default applies to the destruction against own mental functioning and the patient leaves of feel, think, perceive the lack of the person who has lost and arrives a moment that has such mental impoverishment that cannot deal with the situation of this psychological closure. It is a psychological neglect that initially may appear as defense towards death, but step by step finally lead to an acutely harmful and dangerous State. Any decrease of the mental activity, the ability of fantasy and desire, dreams, projects cancelled fading, illusions and suppression of personal history that the individual should be able to tell, over time, becomes a somatic disorder, as aggressive as he can be a cancer, a brain aneurysm or a myocardial infarction (AMI). From the perspective of nursing, the psychosocial intervention in a patient with advanced destructive degree must involve an approach combined, integrating drug therapy as well as psychological, from the biological aspect as a human being that is suffering and long. This will only be achieved if it is possible to modify his attitude with psychosocial interventions at the new situation and the disposition to the disorder of the patient and his family.

When the patient arrives to us in the early stages of the disease, this experience emotional paralysis which often turns out to be prelude to the organic pathology. Task of nursing professionals is the recognize these factors that compose prior syndrome pathological and broadly speaking, the wrong so-called essential depression after a death. While there are factors in all patients as accidents with unexpected deaths, murders, suicides, all those deaths in which loses the sense of naturalness and autonomy, involving a grievance to be assimilated, specialists, and in particular the nurse profession, you can re-educate and redirect the discordance that suffers from the individual in deaths that break the own life cycle, as understand it.

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