A viable alterntiva so that it is sped up the workmanships of the pantry and olimpiadas, would be the full construction and entrance in the competition in construction of the engineering battalion, constructor in efficiency in dcads of 20 the 80 in almost all gradnes brs that they cut the Country. A great invocation through the act of contract of people dismissed through simplified selective test, with a brigade in qeu contemplates contracted the labor laws dso, with the objective to oppose the unemployment, as well as using to advantage available engineering immediately to make a sped up cronograma of Stadiums and Airports with the implantation of the logtica in all domestic territory. Beyond aproveitr the aeroporos resevas as of Parnaiba for operates immediately, therefore the same this fact waiting apeans the airlines enters in operation. I affirm with security that the workmanships would have a price for the half, still would have the chance to as well as generate job and income for industrious millions that they wait a chance, to fight the drug qeu devora our young to alavancar one gradne guerrrilha in prosl of thousand of young without perspectives, due to job and income, beyond repairing one chaga that Brazil loads, because Brazil can make masi very, but is moored in the borocracia, therefore the Brazilians can together contruir one another Brazil, where I exercise can be I exercise of peace and security and engineering and contruo, therefore the empreenteiras had not given account of the work so far, as well as the Brazilian legislation, caudsando the imperfections in diverse workmanships as the fiscalization lack. This must be the chance to construct new Brazil, for the Brazilians spread for these parents giant, but it needs attitude in the conovocao of a new I exercise to construct with solidary engineering.
One gives credit that the Battalions of engineering and Construction are the wait of only one budget and invocation, with he made president Lula to behind schedule construct the BRs, and the construction of the workmanship of transposition of the San Francisco. Who knows makes the hour not it waits to happen. because the negative media all hour says of the delay of the workmanships of the olimpidias pantry and dsa, but it does not present viable solutions alternative. One gives credit that the battalions can make umanova histira with its contrutores that can bring a caido people, the diverse dismissed young, podme now have oportunidae only that he can be a historical overturn, are enough to want, therefore Brazil can. It has much time these entities I exercise of Brazilian had given it force to construct roads and logistic of transport, until the decade of 80 and I believe that it does not have to stop this force and to extend its ray of irradiation and to finish with the forces empreenteiras them, against the unemployment already. One another constrtutivo Brazil can after be born the support of the national Congress, Asseblia of the People of Brazil and the Dilma president. To convoke the nation is possible, porqque brave Brazilian people waits to enter in the fight against the unemployment.
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