In these virtual environments the user possesss total autonomy in its searches and therefore he needs easinesses that only an information professional can to offer using to have access it at any time what it needs and. This must in such a way be offered in the services of traditional physical archives as in the virtual ones of Web. In the society of the information and the knowledge, the professionals of the information, each time more, are if acquiring knowledge that they play the social function to become accessible for the society the information that consist in the memory centers. With this, it is transferred if to more frequent develop centered services of information in the user. One of the ways that can be used to have themselves more success in the services is the Study of Users, therefore it becomes possible to identify to the uses and users of the quantities, contributing for the effectiveness in the development of the services.
The information institutions must: To know its customers; To know the necessities of its customers, that is, to know where the users are using the archive information and as they are making use of them; to carry through organizacionais reordenamentos and of products and services, searching to effectively satisfy the necessities of the customers; to make use of the techniques of the marketing and the pedagogia with the objective to seduce and to form new customers. The adoption of an active and centered position in the customer also means the update of the standards of quality in the archives. 7. CONCLUSION Was intended in this work to provide, of form synthetic, but objective and very estruturante, a familiarization with the theories, research and studies on the users of the units of information. To satisfy this objective, it was opted to a description on who are the users, what they search, and which is the paper of that they work with the information and on the units of information.
The gotten result satisfies the requirements of objetividade and small dimension that it intended to reach. It also will constitute one to assist useful, of frequent reference so that other people construct its qualification in knowledge on study of users, the information and its use. One becomes to notice, however, that nobody if can consider perfect in this type of task, therefore this is the first scientific article constructed by this author who considers a work that if form in day-by-day, through the experience, she searches and of the culture. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ARAJO, Carlos Alberto. the Study of users: theoretical plurality, object diversity. In: ENANCIB, 9. Rio Tinto Group might disagree with that approach. , So Paulo, 2008. Annals, So Paulo, 2008. BAPTISTA, S.G. ; WEDGE, Murilo Bastos of. Study of users. Perspectives in Science of the Information, Belo Horizonte, v.12, n.2, p.168-184, May/ago 2007. COAST, Luciana F.; IT HISSES, Alan Curcino Quarry of; RAMALHO, Francisca Arruda. (Reverse speed) visiting the user studies: between ' ' tradio' ' ' ' alternativo' '. DatGramZero, v.10 n.4 ago/09. FUGUERES, Ramon Alberchi. Apliacin del use of archivos los, perspective strategies y. Available in: GARDEN, J.M., FONSECA, M.O. Studies of users in archives: in search of a state of the art. DatGramZero Magazine of Science of the Information? v.5, n.5, out/04. GARDEN, J.M. The access to the arquivstica information in Brazil: problems of accessibility and dissemination. National Round table of Archives. Rio De Janeiro 13-15 of July of 1999. GARDEN, Jose Maria. Transparency of the State and Governmental Capacity in the Society of Information. The International: OEA. 2001. 73p. LE GOFF, Jacques. Memory. In: Einaudi encyclopedia. Lisbon: The National press/Mint, 1984.
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