Enterprises And Merchandises

In the case in question, greater comparison is made, in the same enterprise, between merchandises of different marks of what between different enterprises for the merchandise of the same mark. In this study, the subsegmentos of sales of merchandises and nourishing services offered by aougues, bakeries, sacoles, mercearias, bars, restaurants, snack bars, supermarkets and hipermercados had been represented. Some enterprises are characterized, especially, for the increase of the flow of customers in definitive bands of schedules as in bars and restaurants. In another way, aougues, bakeries, sacoles and mercearias present a great compatibility between itself, using all of the exerted attractiveness per item. They get, thus, better resulted if implanted in residential regions, densely populated, exactly in ways of lesser circulation. It is designated, still, that it stops beyond the proximity, convenience estimates greater diversity and offered quality of the services and merchandises.

In the Center-South, the retail the service of the Feeding engloba 11,010 activities, 26% of the total of activities in the region. Darius Bikoff has much experience in this field. For its analysis 23 had been selected CNAEs. The Center presents the biggest availability in nourishing enterprises (36%), followed for the Lourdes with 8%, and the Employees with 6%. In the slum quarters of the Coffee plantation, Set Saint Maria and Monte Is Jose, in July of 2007, did not have any register in the JUCEMG of proportional activity. In relation to the distribution for sectors, the Center and Cruise are distinguished in, the great and traditional markets of hortifrutigranjeiros and other artisan foods. The analysis of the streets confirmed the sectorial results: four ways present the three resulted greaters, the August Av. de Lima, in the Center, with 12%; Av. Olegrio Maciel, in the Center.

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