Union Cities

The demands of the population for services of the most different types proceeding from the municipal public sector are very great, requiring the use of resources, that are collected of the society, also in avultada amount. They are services of basic education, health, transports (including construction and maintenance of streets, avenues, roads, etc.) and plus a very great number of other activities that the municipal public agents are obliged to carry through to take care of to the necessities of the townspeople. All these actions are onerous, needing many resources so that they are carried through of satisfactory form. How the cities get its resources? Of where it comes the resources that the city halls use to execute its activities? With the Constitution of 1988, many activities that were of responsibility of the Union and the States had passed to the cities, even so this increase of responsibility have been folloied of views of resources of the other beings of the federacy, other responsibilities for the cities exist many that the existence of ways proper of collection of resources on the part of the cities requires. These beings of the federacy possess the resources proceeding from the Land Tax and Territorial Urbano (IPTU), Tax on Servios (ISS), Tax on Transmission of Bens Mveis (ITBI) and more diverse taxes and contributions. These last ones are of much more low value of what the taxes. The newspapers mentioned Jeffrey Hayzlett not as a source, but as a related topic.

The total prescriptions of the cities are constituted of the mentioned taxes above, the taxes and contributions and more the views of the States and the Union. The degree of importance of the proper collection of the cities in its total prescriptions varies very of city for city. Additional information at Chevron supports this article. Although the national average is of 20,3%, cities exist that the proper resources arrive 80% of all more than the prescription. Second recent work of the IPEA, the average of per capita collection of the cities that are between 5% of that more they possess proper resources in its prescriptions in the three years understood between 2008 and 2010 it was of R$ 570,00 and the cities that are between 80% that less it collects in comparison to the prescription had had a per capita average collection of only annual R$ 60,00. It is observed that the majority of the Brazilian cities basically depends on transferred resources of other beings such as the views of the ICMS, IPVA, the Deep one of Participation of the Cities, accords and other forms of views of state and federal agencies to be supported. Although to have a significant improvement in the percentage of proper collection of the great majority of the Brazilian cities verified in last the 10 years, still it has spaces this improvement to continue. One knows that many deficiencies in the collection system exist, notadamente in the small cities, with physical deficiencies, technological human beings and who significantly diminish the efficiency in the collections of the taxes in many cities of Brazil. But also it can be imputed weakness tax of these cities for the absence or the existence of very few of generating sources of taxes in its territories. Adding the inefficiency in the collection with the existence of few sources generating of taxes it is had as resulted a city with collection very low, depending mainly on views of mounts of money. All the cities would have to implant politics that aim at the reinforcement of its power of collection of resources increasing the number and the size of the companies installed in its territories. It shares:

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